Monday, June 24, 2013

SHINE For Honduras!!!!

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light shine before others, so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven."

The "SHINE" team is at the Akron Canton airport awaiting their flight to Atlanta where they will spend the night and head out for Honduras in the morning!!
 (Back Row  L - R...John Everett, Zee Elia, Josh West, Eric Somerville, Michael Wallace)
 (Front Row L - R....Elizabeth Grimsley, Caity Davis

Look at those happy faces ready to serve God in a country we have all grown to love with all
our hearts.  But before they even got on the plane, Satan has interfered. Elizabeth realized at the airport that her passport expired in March.  So we are in begging mode for donations to get Elizabeth to Honduras.  Message if you can help!!  Let's keep those smiles smilin'!!!

God is Good....all the time!!!  All the time...God is good!!!

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