Thursday, June 27, 2013

Build 1

            Today began our first real day of work in Honduras.  We woke up well rested and ready to do some hard manual labor.  We loaded up in our fifteen-passenger van and headed for the property of an employee that works at Corey’s school.  Our intent was to show her and her family the love of Christ by building them a new house.  It was a hot day and the sun was relentless on our tender white skin.  But the team persevered through rock in order to dig holes for the corner posts.  As the hard work continued we saw a house gradually take form.  As we built, I noticed someone else working tirelessly, it not a team member, and not on the house.  The woman, whose family would soon occupy the house, was slaving over the stove fire.  She was preparing a meal for each and every person with a hammer, shovel, spud bar or piece of wood.  The aroma of the food was captivating, but the notion of sacrifice that came from the meal blessed my soul.  She made a stir-fry type dish that could feed a village.  It was so delicious.  And it was a clear sign that God was looking out for us because we forgot the sandwiches that we had made for lunch.  After a few more hours of hard labor, the 16 by 16 house was completed.  The team and the family entered.  We linked hands and began to thank God for the family and for the opportunity.  After we prayed, the woman gave thanks, first to God and then to the team for our willingness to follow Him.  Exhausted and satisfied with our accomplishment we left the family in their new home.
            We took a much-needed moment to relax once we returned home.  The boys, who are staying with us badly, wanted to go swimming.  Being hot and sweaty, a cool swim sounded quite inviting.  We played and swam with the boys at the community pool for a while until we had finally cooled down.  We returned to the house once more for dinner. 
            To celebrate our first full day in Honduras we went to La Creperia.  It was a must for the team to experience this cultural wonder.  The team enjoyed a dessert dish that consisted of a crepe, strawberries, chocolate, and ice cream, named the Belga.  It was a legendary dessert of which our grandchildren will one day hear tales. 
            Con panzas llenas y corazones contentas (with bellys full and hearts content) we returned for devo.  After good conversation and even better reflection, it is time for bed.  Hasta Manana!

Mike Wallace

Working hard!

 Almost finished.

   The new home owners!                                       

 The Belga

1 comment:

  1. Awesome build day!!! God is so amazing...a hot lunch for build day...WOW!!! I am guessing you didn't miss the sandwiches much! Love you guys!
