Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 6

  Today was spent entirely at Casa de Esperanza. This is definitely a favorite for all of us!
  We started at church where we were greeted by all the excited faces of the kids saving seats for team members. After the (two hour and completely Spanish) service, the kids went for naps and we headed down the road to grab some lunch at a local cafe run by another missionary in the area. Once the team had our fill of delicious food we headed back for play time.
  On the way to church this morning we listened to a song by Jeremy camp with these lyrics:
This is my desire 
This is my return 
This is my desire to be used by You 

You want to be real 
You want to be emptied inside 
And I know my heart is to feel You near 
And I know my life 
It's to do Your will 
It's to do Your will 

All my life I have seen where You've taken me 
Beyond all I have hoped and there's more left unseen 
There's not much I can do to repay all You've done so I give my hands to use

  As I watched the team interact with the kids it reminded me of this song over and over. I saw all of them being used by Him each in their own way. While one was shooting a make-shift basketball, another was brushing hair, and another was pushing someone on a swing, and another was kicking a soccer ball and another was rubbing a back of a little one in need. Love poured out from everyone today and I witnessed each one giving God their hands to be used by him.

By: Caity

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