Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday - Day Six

We are halfway through our time here in Honduras. The wear and tear on the team is starting to show a little. We have a couple team members under the weather but it does NOT keep them down!!!! Today we had an appointment with Lori Connell at Mi Esperanza. Lori first came to Honduras in 1999 and started Mi Esperanza in 2002. They help Honduran women learn a trade and then they help them set up their own small business. We then went to the shop where all the items are made in Honduras mostly by Honduran women. Let's just say, the team helped support their ministry a bit!!!

We were then off to Bencalet to start a house build. The work was very hard and the sun was very, very hot. After a long day in the sun, four of the six holes needed were done. While the team worked in the hot sun, some of us went down inside the orphanage and painted a wall for Bencalet. After playing with the kids for a bit, we went to the Basilica to visit and admire the wonderful architecture.

Then we were off to David and Corey's for one of our favorite meals!!!! TACO LOCO!!! They come right to the house and cook some amazing food. What a nice relaxing evening.

Devotions tonight will be at the Jesus statue another favorite place to visit when here in Honduras. The view is spectacular and I will post a picture later tonight when we get back to Ville de Gracias.

Thanks again for reading and praying! We appreciate and love you all!!!!!

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