Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day Four - Sunday

We got up bright and early and went to church in Santa Ana with the Casa de Esperanza church family. After church, we played with the Casa kids until it was lunch and nap time for them! What a thrill it was to see all the Casa kids as they ran up to familiar team members with hugs and smiles a mile wide!!! Of course my favorite is seeing Daniela walking hand in hand with Michael. What a sweet reunion.

We left the kids for a short while and headed up to Ohona for a little pottery shopping and then it was off to lunch at Cafe el Gringo. After the team was satisfied with an awesome lunch and delicious smoothies, we headed back to the orphanage for more fun with the Casa Kids. Lots of soccer, tree climbing, hammock swinging, bracket making, tag, and bubbles made for a great afternoon.

We ended our time at Casa with a picnic of hot dogs (grilled by Eric O and Daniel)! My goodness, those kids can eat and we were happy to be able to have dinner with them. Thank goodness, we will see them all again on Friday for made the good-byes simply see yas!!!

The we headed up the mountain a little further to the car parts cross! What a spect ulnar view!!!

After devotions with Eric O. and Daniel, the team had some free time and then off to bed to rest up for another big day in Honduras!

Thanks for all your prayers!!! We feel them!!!

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