Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Monday - Day Five

This morning, we were up bright and early to put together food bags to distribute in one of the villages outside of Tegucigalpa. We put together around 130 food bags. Each bag has beans, rice, corn flour, salt, sugar, spaghetti, crisco,coffee, and tomato paste. We loaded the food bags on the bus and headed to Mololoa. We had quite a ride up one mountain road after another climbing higher and higher until the bus could go no futher. We transferred the food bags to David's truck and continued up the mountain. The fourteen team members along with two of the neighborhood girls, Cynthia and Maria...We started to pass out the bags to the families.  Watching the team go up the side of a mountain to hand out one bag was impressive to say the least but realizing these families have to climb these mountains daily is humbling indeed. When we ran out of food bags....we headed down the mountain for some hugs and smiles from the kids. And soon a soccer game started as usual!!!

Next we headed over to the InterAmerican School to visit Mr. Corey and his 4th grade class. We even got to teach a bit while Corey handled some bullying at the office. We picked up Corey and the crew of Carlos, Saul, Yovani, Marvin, Mario, Francisco, and Antonio and headed to Didasko. Didasko is an orphanage in Tamara. What a wonderful place to visit! There are 25 kids here of all ages. Jorge is a wonderful man who spent time with us along with his grown children. His wife is the school director and they have 4 teachers who not only teach the kids at the orphanage but also the neighborhood kids who attend for free. After another soccer game, some coloring, and some bubble fun we headed back to Ville Gracia for dinner.  Vicky(me) had devotions and then we were off to bed.

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