Saturday, May 24, 2014

2014 Trip Days Two and Three

God continues to amaze us each day we serve here in Honduras!!!! We got up early Friday morning, had breakfast, and made sandwiches to take to the City Dump. After a morning devotion with Michel, we loaded up the bus and headed out for the best day of ministering at the dump EVER! After, we handed out sandwiches, fruit, and water we stayed and visited with the people who work in the dump day after day. Before too long there were soccer games and games of duck, duck, goose going with the team members and the people in the dump!!! Once again a smile, a touch, a simple hello brought smiles to us all!!!

We left the dump changed by the love of these people towards us and us towards them. We headed back to shower and pack for our three hour bus trip to spend the night for our build on Saturday! We went to pick up Corey and the boys at school, met up with David and Mark and we were off!!! What a crazy ride!!! We went up some pretty major mountains to get to our location.  Once we arrived, we were served dinner. We had a devotion called Highs and Lows with each team member giving their highs and lows for the day. We were then off to bed for a good night's rest.

After breakfast, we loaded up the bus and headed to the build site! WOW!!! We had to travel up some pretty major hills and Dow some deep valleys to get to the site. Once we arrived, it was a great day do teamwork!!! And that is definitely teamwork with a capital "T"!!!

We are now back at Ville Gracia. After dinner, devotions with Joe, we have some free time and I am able to catch you up a bit!!!  Tomorrow we go to Casa de Esperanza! I am excited to see Daniela and all the Casa kids!!!

Check out my Facebook page for pictures!!

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