Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday - Day Seven

Today was a little bit different for all of us. First of all, we needed to split the team so the guys could go and finish the foundation for the house at Bencalet. The girls were to head out to the Mother Teresa home to play with the kids. The team would meet up later to go to the hospital and to the state orphanage. The guys took off and the girls loaded the bus to head out. We stopped to buy some coloring books so we could color with the children. When we got to the Mother Teresa orphanage, they weren't really expecting us or at least it seemed that way. Finally a very sweet nun came to get us  but instead of taking us to the children, she gave us a tour of the facility. And even though this was interesting, we wanted to play and love on the kids. That did NOT happen. We understood in that the kids were in school but we were still disappointed that we didn't see the younger ones. So Caity got us out to Breaking Chains to do some work. We prepared four flower beds, cleaned out another, and organized their storage room filled with donations. We even planted some seeds for flowers (hope they grow)! We then headed back to meet up with the guys. We were excited to see the foundation coming together after all the rock they had to break up. This foundation was being built so that three families with young kids could come to Honduras and build a house. What a great feeling our guys had when they finished, knowing they were making it possible for these families to build a house.

We had to postpone the hospital because we didn't realize we needed close toed shoes to go there and the state orphanage didn't call back so the day got a little more disappointing. We headed to the "Dump" village to look at a build site and to play with the kids. What a warm welcome!!! Kids we had met at the dump came and were so excited to see us again. More soccer, duck,duck goose, and tons of coloring went on in a dirty field. We met an elderly man who asked to pray with us. It was one of those prayers you felt even though we couldn't understand him. We were told later he called us angels and asked God to take care of us. This country is so accepting of us and really do appreciate us Gringos!

Back to Villa Gracia for devotions with Zee and dinner.(the homemade nacho chips and salsa were amazing). Then we sorted all the clothes so many of you donated to prepare for our store on Friday.  Tomorrow is another build day so keep us in prayer as the days are getting hotter!!! We are thankful so far for no rain. God bless everyone of you reading this!!! We love you all!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday - Day Six

We are halfway through our time here in Honduras. The wear and tear on the team is starting to show a little. We have a couple team members under the weather but it does NOT keep them down!!!! Today we had an appointment with Lori Connell at Mi Esperanza. Lori first came to Honduras in 1999 and started Mi Esperanza in 2002. They help Honduran women learn a trade and then they help them set up their own small business. We then went to the shop where all the items are made in Honduras mostly by Honduran women. Let's just say, the team helped support their ministry a bit!!!

We were then off to Bencalet to start a house build. The work was very hard and the sun was very, very hot. After a long day in the sun, four of the six holes needed were done. While the team worked in the hot sun, some of us went down inside the orphanage and painted a wall for Bencalet. After playing with the kids for a bit, we went to the Basilica to visit and admire the wonderful architecture.

Then we were off to David and Corey's for one of our favorite meals!!!! TACO LOCO!!! They come right to the house and cook some amazing food. What a nice relaxing evening.

Devotions tonight will be at the Jesus statue another favorite place to visit when here in Honduras. The view is spectacular and I will post a picture later tonight when we get back to Ville de Gracias.

Thanks again for reading and praying! We appreciate and love you all!!!!!

Monday - Day Five

This morning, we were up bright and early to put together food bags to distribute in one of the villages outside of Tegucigalpa. We put together around 130 food bags. Each bag has beans, rice, corn flour, salt, sugar, spaghetti, crisco,coffee, and tomato paste. We loaded the food bags on the bus and headed to Mololoa. We had quite a ride up one mountain road after another climbing higher and higher until the bus could go no futher. We transferred the food bags to David's truck and continued up the mountain. The fourteen team members along with two of the neighborhood girls, Cynthia and Maria...We started to pass out the bags to the families.  Watching the team go up the side of a mountain to hand out one bag was impressive to say the least but realizing these families have to climb these mountains daily is humbling indeed. When we ran out of food bags....we headed down the mountain for some hugs and smiles from the kids. And soon a soccer game started as usual!!!

Next we headed over to the InterAmerican School to visit Mr. Corey and his 4th grade class. We even got to teach a bit while Corey handled some bullying at the office. We picked up Corey and the crew of Carlos, Saul, Yovani, Marvin, Mario, Francisco, and Antonio and headed to Didasko. Didasko is an orphanage in Tamara. What a wonderful place to visit! There are 25 kids here of all ages. Jorge is a wonderful man who spent time with us along with his grown children. His wife is the school director and they have 4 teachers who not only teach the kids at the orphanage but also the neighborhood kids who attend for free. After another soccer game, some coloring, and some bubble fun we headed back to Ville Gracia for dinner.  Vicky(me) had devotions and then we were off to bed.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day Four - Sunday

We got up bright and early and went to church in Santa Ana with the Casa de Esperanza church family. After church, we played with the Casa kids until it was lunch and nap time for them! What a thrill it was to see all the Casa kids as they ran up to familiar team members with hugs and smiles a mile wide!!! Of course my favorite is seeing Daniela walking hand in hand with Michael. What a sweet reunion.

We left the kids for a short while and headed up to Ohona for a little pottery shopping and then it was off to lunch at Cafe el Gringo. After the team was satisfied with an awesome lunch and delicious smoothies, we headed back to the orphanage for more fun with the Casa Kids. Lots of soccer, tree climbing, hammock swinging, bracket making, tag, and bubbles made for a great afternoon.

We ended our time at Casa with a picnic of hot dogs (grilled by Eric O and Daniel)! My goodness, those kids can eat and we were happy to be able to have dinner with them. Thank goodness, we will see them all again on Friday for made the good-byes simply see yas!!!

The we headed up the mountain a little further to the car parts cross! What a spect ulnar view!!!

After devotions with Eric O. and Daniel, the team had some free time and then off to bed to rest up for another big day in Honduras!

Thanks for all your prayers!!! We feel them!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

2014 Trip Days Two and Three

God continues to amaze us each day we serve here in Honduras!!!! We got up early Friday morning, had breakfast, and made sandwiches to take to the City Dump. After a morning devotion with Michel, we loaded up the bus and headed out for the best day of ministering at the dump EVER! After, we handed out sandwiches, fruit, and water we stayed and visited with the people who work in the dump day after day. Before too long there were soccer games and games of duck, duck, goose going with the team members and the people in the dump!!! Once again a smile, a touch, a simple hello brought smiles to us all!!!

We left the dump changed by the love of these people towards us and us towards them. We headed back to shower and pack for our three hour bus trip to spend the night for our build on Saturday! We went to pick up Corey and the boys at school, met up with David and Mark and we were off!!! What a crazy ride!!! We went up some pretty major mountains to get to our location.  Once we arrived, we were served dinner. We had a devotion called Highs and Lows with each team member giving their highs and lows for the day. We were then off to bed for a good night's rest.

After breakfast, we loaded up the bus and headed to the build site! WOW!!! We had to travel up some pretty major hills and Dow some deep valleys to get to the site. Once we arrived, it was a great day do teamwork!!! And that is definitely teamwork with a capital "T"!!!

We are now back at Ville Gracia. After dinner, devotions with Joe, we have some free time and I am able to catch you up a bit!!!  Tomorrow we go to Casa de Esperanza! I am excited to see Daniela and all the Casa kids!!!

Check out my Facebook page for pictures!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day One - Honduras, 2014

We arrived in Honduras today with a team of 14!!! It is going to be a great trip. What a fun team.  We started the trip right away with our welcome lunch at Church's Chicken. Then we were off to Bencalet, a special needs orphanage. What joy to see their little faces light up to a fun ride in a wheelchair, a walk around the courtyard, bouncing on a trampoline or just a touch...a smile from some stranger who cared enough to come visit. Once again, we are changed. God has a way of doing that when we come to Honduras or at any other time in our life for that matter.

Tomorrow we will go to the dump to feed the hungry and then we are off on a three hour trip to a house build outside the city.  We will build on Saturday and come back in to the city Saturday evening. Please continue to pray for us as we shine God's light on these wonderful people!