Saturday, May 5, 2012

Honduras (Atlanta) Day One ~ Friday

I Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Well....the Send Me Out team is really living that verse today.  After a pretty smooth departure (some moving around of items to make the suitcase weigh 50 not 56), a fairly quiet flight...we were just outside of Atlanta when the pilot came on with an announcement.  Of course at this time one is wishing for the weather in Atlanta (even though we would never experience it or at least we didn't think so).  No...not a chance...his announcement was that there was some weather conditions in Atlanta that prevented us from landing.  We were 8th in line and needed to be in a holding pattern.  OK...our flight to Tegucigalpa was supposed to leave at 10:05...we were to land at 8:47.  Tight to say the least but we can do it.

On second thought, cancel that, our pilot then told us that we did NOT have enough fuel for more than 5 minutes...we needed to go to Chattanooga to refuel.  Now, later we found out that our plane had sat in CAK overnight...why did they not fuel it just a bit more!!!  So anyway...we get to Chattanooga and we were the 3rd plane waiting for fuel.  Anyway by the time we were fueled up, our flight to Tegucigalpa had already departed with 4 team members on board.  10 of us are now about to be stuck in Atlanta.

So here we the Ramada (not complementary of Delta) in Atlanta.  We ate a much needed lunch (the plane also was not stocked to give everyone another snack while we waited in Chattanooga) at Quizno's and had pizza and Chinese delivered for dinner.  Tonight Josh Davisson led our devotions with the above verse hitting home.  We are the only Jesus some of this people will ever we need to live it, breath it, share it.

Tomorrow, we will fly into Tegucigalpa and head to the build site to meet up with the rest of our time.

God has Sent Us Out to make Him known and we will start being his hands and feet tomorrow!!!

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