Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Less Than Two Weeks.....

We are now just a little over two weeks out from boarding that plane that will take us on an
adventure that will change our hearts and lives forever!  Those who have been there before are not the only ones counting the days down.  Our team members who have never been to Honduras have already caught the fever! 

Those of us going on this trip are some of the busiest people I know...church, (final programs, videos to do), work, school (including finals, papers, projects), volunteer projects, a surprise wedding (congrats, Mike and Carolyn) are just a few things that have made the time before our flight go a little quicker.  Not quick enough, mind you, but it helps!

I love a Facebook status that says:

Eric Somerville: Is it May 4th yet??? Hondo bound!!

Stephen Carter: A little over two weeks away from Hondo! Everyone could start praying now for our team, so that our hearts are prepared for God to move through us!

Eric Orlando:  looking forward to Honduras in 2 weeks from today!!!

We so appreciate all that you have done to help this trip possible.  I am now asking for your prayers from now until we fly out on May 4, continuing through our trip to May 13, and as we fly home to share our trip with all of you.

Log into this blog as we will try to keep you updating as to what we are doing each day (that is, if the internet cooperates). Before we leave I will try to post our tentative itinerary so you will know what we are doing daily!

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