Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Final day

       As we round out this wonderful trip, in the beautiful country of Honduras; we are thankful for the hospitality of the missionaries down here: David and Corey.  We give a special thanks to Saundra for all of the cooking, cleaning, and washing of clothes. (Even if we didn't ask for it)  And a missions trip wouldn't be complete without all of the kids who stayed here with us this week making it a fun if sometimes hectic time.

      We started the day off by going to Mi Esperanza again to shop and support a good cause.(Elizabeth didn't get to go the first time).  Then it was off to Didasko to play with the kids there and have a good time.  The girls painted some finger nails while us guys played frisbee and carried kids on our shoulders.  We ate some snacks from a pulperia for lunch and when we got back we set up a slip n slide and let the kids go crazy.  The kids had a lot of fun as you can imagine then it started raining and everybody got really muddy.  We were all sad to leave the kids; we had as much fun as they did, and we know we can see them next time.

      After the hour van ride back to the house we took the next few hours to relax and shower up.  We then drove up the mountain to see the 2nd biggest Jesus statue in the world. We had our daily devotion up next to the statue also, we missed John as he stayed back due to not feeling well.(Sad Face).  John was up and ready when we got back to eat some Taco Loco, (Can i say amazing).  They bring the food to your house and serve you there, what a deal.

      As we look back at a long week of hard work, hot sun, and long bouncy van rides; we count it all joy that we could come here and spend this time serving and spreading the gospel to the people of Honduras.  I would like to thank anyone who played a part in helping this trip happen; as we could not have done this without you.  And finally we would like to thank God and give all the praise to him for a job well done.
Having fun with the kids at Didasko

Doin work pushin swings

Slip n slide fun!!

Yup, still havin fun

Jesus statue

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